Connshade Cigar Corporation
Connshade Cigar Corporation is a cigar manufacturer based in Miami, FL that supplies smoke shops in the area with quality cigars, cigarettes, and other tobacco products. Get in touch with us if you and your customers appreciate the subtle and complex flavors of masterfully prepared tobacco. We enjoy sharing the spirit of tobacco.
We cater to cigar businesses. If you wish to purchase stock from us, from master cases to lose boxes, rest assured that we can supply you with quality cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco products at competitive prices. Make us your partner in building your smoke shop’s reputation as a provider of premium grade smokes today. You won’t regret your decision to do so.
At Connshade Cigar Corporation, we put the highest level of craftsmanship in every cigar and tobacco product we manufacture. Rely on us for a great selection of premium quality tobacco products, which are available in bulk. Call our office today and ask our staff about our wholesale tobacco products.